Run with purpose

Bhubaneswar - Odisha


First 5 km

It is possible to overcome after the first training session.

First 10 km

This is a logical and reliable step towards a full marathon.

Half marathon

Half marathon is a challenge not only for the body but also for the mind.

Bhubaneswar Runners Training Plan

At Bhubaneswar Runners, we believe in a holistic approach to running that combines structured training, strength conditioning, and proper recovery. Our comprehensive training plan is designed to help runners of all levels achieve their goals while minimizing the risk of injuries and burnout. Here's what you can expect:

Weekly Training Sessions:

Bhubaneswar Runners conducts two weekly training sessions focusing on various aspects of running fitness. These sessions are led by experienced coaches and are open to runners of all levels.

1. Core, Strength, and Mobility Session:

Held twice a week, these sessions emphasize building a strong foundation for efficient running. The workouts include:

- Core exercises to improve stability, balance, and injury prevention

- Strength training for key muscle groups used in running

- Dynamic warm-up routines to prepare the body for exercise

- Cool-down exercises and stretching to promote recovery

2. Sunday Long Run:

The highlight of the week is the Sunday long run, where runners have the opportunity to build endurance and practice pacing strategies. These runs are conducted in a group setting, fostering a sense of community and accountability. The distances vary based on individual goals, ranging from 5K for beginners to longer distances for experienced marathoners.

Daily Exercises and Guidance:

In addition to the weekly sessions, Bhubaneswar Runners provides daily exercise recommendations and tips through a dedicated WhatsApp group. This includes:

- Cross-training exercises like cycling, swimming, or yoga

- Injury prevention and recovery strategies

- Nutritional guidance for optimal performance

- Motivational quotes and stories from fellow runners

- Running experience and fitness levels

- Target race distances (5K, 10K, half marathon)

- Specific strengths, weaknesses, and injury history

By following the Bhubaneswar Runners training plan, you'll not only improve your running performance but also develop a well-rounded fitness routine that supports your overall health and well-being. Join our community and experience the joy of running alongside like-minded individuals who share your passion for personal growth and athletic achievement

Upcoming Event

28th Apr - Kidathon

Distance: 1 km

Age group 5-12 yrs

Venue: To be published

More details coming soon...

About the marathon

Our events are focused on helping you achieve your goals. We have specialist trainers on hand to help you get ready and to ensure that you end your marathon on a high. Our routes will show you the most incredible sights of the city, too.

Best moments from the
last marathon

Get inspired by the photos from our last event – running is available to anyone, and you can make the marathon your own.

It’s never been easier to try yourself.